Anyone on 10.7 with Firefox and the habit of not quitting but just closing apps, shoudl be able to agree. I have 4 GB of RAM, and sometimes, my MacBook Pro gets really really sluggish. With Alfred and it’s awesome Powerpack, you can add this extension and it will execute the UNIX Command “purge”.
YOU WON’T LOOSE ANY DATA, it will feel sluggish for about half a minute, and after that, you will have more RAM free than you had before. This reall yhelps me out a lot of times, espescially if I have Lion running a long time without shutting down.
Just launch it by typing “cleanup”.
You should only use it if you need it. So looking into Activity monitor will help to figure out if the green pie piece is very very small, and you have only some 40 MBs of RAM free, go ahead and purge. It really helps.
OWN RISK, as always: