BBC News – Viewpoint: Should charm be taught in schools?
So, if we taught charm at school it would involve several different courses. First would be critical perception. How do you analyse your responses to a person or a place? Second would be situational analysis – the critical path through the circumstances you find yourself in. Third, a masterclass in literacy and articulacy. It’s essential to know how to use words because charm is never mute. Find good words and use them well. Finally, anxiety management. Charmers are many different things, but they are always attractively… relaxed. And this is a quality they confer happily on all in their circle. Charm makes everything better.
Interessante Idee: Charme als Schulfach.
Wirft aber finde ich die Frage auf, wie sich das auswirken würde, wenn (fast) jeder des Charmierens fähig wäre. Auf jeden Fall eine interessante Idee