The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
Hell yeah, I give a Fuck, which is a subtle art.
When most people envision giving no fucks whatsoever, they envision a kind of perfect and serene indifference to everything, a calm that weathers all storms.
… which is totally wrong.
Now, while not giving a fuck may seem simple on the surface, it’s a whole new bag of burritos under the hood. I don’t even know what that sentence means, but I don’t give a fuck. A bag of burritos sounds awesome, so let’s just go with it.
humorvoll auch noch 😀
In life, our fucks must be spent on something. There really is no such thing as not giving a fuck. The question is simply how we each choose to allot our fucks. You only get a limited number of fucks to give over your lifetime, so you must spend them with care. As my father used to say, “Fucks don’t grow on trees, Mark.” OK, he never actually said that. But fuck it, pretend like he did. The point is that fucks have to be earned and then invested wisely. Fucks are cultivated like a beautiful fucking garden, where if you fuck shit up and the fucks get fucked, then you’ve fucking fucked your fucks all the fuck up.
The point is, most of us struggle throughout our lives by giving too many fucks in situations where fucks do not deserve to be given.
Totally agree. Aber hier jetzt noch das wahre Gold:
Like a fine wine, our fucks must age into a fine vintage, only uncorked and given on the most special fucking occasions.
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