
Process takes CO₂ from the air, converts it to carbon nanotubes | Ars Technica

Ideen, CO2 zu Carbon-Nanotubes zu machen. Das könnte noch spannend werden!

The end product is worth more than the electricity that drives the process.

Quelle: Process takes CO₂ from the air, converts it to carbon nanotubes | Ars Technica


US preacher asks followers to help buy fourth private jet – BBC News

Jesse Duplantis, 68, said God told him to „believe“ for his fourth plane, which is set to cost $54m.

Also Marketing hat er wohl drauf! 😀

A US televangelist has asked his followers to help fund his fourth private jet – because Jesus „wouldn’t be riding a donkey“.


Quelle: US preacher asks followers to help buy fourth private jet – BBC News


#ImWithYou Video


Sehr sehenswertes Video von @danmace – es ist tatsächlich bis heute in vielerlei Hinsicht schwierig, über mentale Gesundheit zu sprechen.


Bitcoin einfach erklärt

Bitcoin schön einfach erklärt.


Before starting a business, ask these 3 questions | Big Think

Sehr sehenswertes kurzes Video

Miki Agrawal—the entrepreneur behind Thinx, Tushy, and Wild—explains how to turn your #1 gripe into an industry-disrupting idea.

Quelle: Before starting a business, ask these 3 questions | Big Think


How to fix Mail.app not finding messages but spotlight finding the messages in High Sierra

The symptom was that mail.app search always returned 0 results when searching, but spotlight did find results.

What I needed to do to get it working again was to set:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.appsandbox UnrestrictSpotlightContainerScope -bool false

then reboot

and then run

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.appsandbox UnrestrictSpotlightContainerScope -bool true

reboot again and voilà, I had working search again.


Turns out killing mds in activity monitor does the job fine as well. 🤦🏻‍♂️