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Miki Agrawal—the entrepreneur behind Thinx, Tushy, and Wild—explains how to turn your #1 gripe into an industry-disrupting idea.
Quelle: Before starting a business, ask these 3 questions | Big Think
Sehr sehenswertes kurzes Video
Miki Agrawal—the entrepreneur behind Thinx, Tushy, and Wild—explains how to turn your #1 gripe into an industry-disrupting idea.
Quelle: Before starting a business, ask these 3 questions | Big Think
How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) – Wait But Why
Sehr sehr lesenswert
“Peterson’s the cop standing outside of the car with a verbal bazooka on his shoulder saying not so fast. No wonder they hate him.”
In Praise of Millennials | Bryan Cranston
Yes! Be a bgeinner more often!
Der Alt-Text des Bildes ist sehr treffend
Kanzleramt: Klare Absage an Kupfer beim Breitbandausbau
glasklares Nein zu Vectoring.
Der Mann hat Humor!
Außerdem: Halleluja!
Does Prospect Theory explain Trump and Brexit votes? – International Cognition and Culture Institute
Mit Prospect theory Brexit und Trump erklären/beschreiben – klingt einleuchtend.
Hier erklären Nazis, warum sie Nazis wurden – VICE
Manches erinnert an die derzeit existierende Rhetorik
With teen mental health deteriorating over five years, there’s a likely culprit
Ab wann wird es potenziell unmoralisch, soziale Medien zu verwenden?