Why Self-Compassion Beats Self-Confidence – The New York Times
Pulling your shoulders back is easy. Learning to be kind to yourself takes considerably more effort.
Why Self-Compassion Beats Self-Confidence – The New York Times
Pulling your shoulders back is easy. Learning to be kind to yourself takes considerably more effort.
The World’s Most Toxic Value System
UPDATE: Ist womöglich überholt und alter Tobak und widerlegt – mit Vorsicht zu genießen!
Sehr sehr lesenswert. Über Thar, den „Würde/Ehrenbegriff" in manchen Kulturen und größere Überlegungen dazu.
Notes on Blockchain Governance
Blockchain governance voting – für Blockchaininteressierte lesenswert
Religion for the Nonreligious – Wait But Why
Step 3 is also the answer to anyone who accuses atheists of being amoral or cynical or nihilistic, or wonders how atheists find any meaning in life without the hope and incentive of an afterlife. That’s a Step 1 way to view an atheist, where life on Earth is taken for granted and it’s assumed that any positive impulse or emotion must be due to circumstances outside of life.
Sehr lesenswert!
Xhosa, Südafrika, Coffee Bay!