Here is what you need to tweak where to get your links in Omnifocus added mail links to work on iOS 7, too:
First, navigate into /Applications/, right click on it and select “Show package contents”. Go further into Contents/Plugins/BuiltInPluginHandlers.plugin. Again, tap right and select “show package contents” and dive into it. Now again Contents/Ressources/Mail-Leopard.applescript. For reference, your path should look something like that:
After opening the file (in your favorite Apple-Script editor), you should see some violet blob of text like this:
Now use the “compile” button and compile it so you can actually decypher something there, it should look like this:
Now scroll down until you are at this place:
Now as you can see, at my document, there is already two (2) “//” right after message:, just add them at this position like you see them in my screenshot. Now hit Save and close AppleScript editor and close Omnifocus.
– open Omnifocus
– go into settings and uninstall your mail clippings handler (it’s under Clippings, it’s the Clip-O-Tron 3000 thingy)
– install it again
– go into mail and (the default is Cmd+alt+space) get an email into your inbox and enjoy click and tappable original message links in the notes field. 😉 These will sync to iOS and will allow you (as long as the Email is locally on your phone/iPad) to open the corresponding message right from Omnifocus in Mail! Thanks @viticci for bringing the URL scheme and I believe the missing “//” up!